To create? Here are some starting points. Ask your sales repsno one can tell you . The pain points of your prospects and customers like your sales reps.Here's an example. In . , I worked with a saas company that was introducing a new electronic document management . System. They wanted to introduce this new product to their clients and make them adopt . It instead of office , which they'd previously sold.They brought me in as an email . Copywriter with experience in content marketing from my business, content marketing profit.
I went ahead . And wrote the copy you'd normally write to malaysia dataset someone you want to cross-sell. But what . I didn't realize was that the clients I was writing to had their microsoft accounts . Disabled without prior notification—they weren't happy campers. I was able to get responses, but most . Of them came back with the same question: "Have you resolved your issue with microsoft?" . This frustration can't simply be cleared away with copywriting theories.If I'd spoken to the sales . Reps first, they would have alerted me to this issue, and I could have crafted .
Copy that would have taken it into account.Bring your sales team in on content strategy . Sessions, and they can help guide you to the right type of content. Use customer . Surveysa lot of companies use survey tools to help drive their product and customer service, . But it's also a great way to understand what types of content would be appropriate . For sales enablement. You'll learn about your customers' pain points and how your product helped . Resolve them. With all this information, you can determine your content core, where your product .